The Impacts of the Pandemic on Ethnic and Racialized Groups in the UK, UKRI, 2021-2023 (Co-Investigator)
The Governance of Local Integration and Migrants in Europe (GLIMER), JPI Urban Europe/Horizon 2020, 2017-2020 (Principal Investigator)
"We're a' Jock Tamson's Bairns" - To What Extent is There a Distinctive Scottish Approach to Race Equality?, Royal Society of Edinburgh Personal Research Fellowship
Scottish Nationhood and Ethnic Minorities, Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh, 2012-2013 (Supported by The British Academy Small Grants)
Have European Citizenship Regimes Entered a Post-Multicultural Age?, Fellowship at the Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 2012-2013
CiviTurn: Civic Integration in Northwest European Migration Societies, Nordic Globalisation Initiative and Aarhus University Faculty of Social Sciences, 2008-2010, (PI - Per Mouritsen, University of Aarhus)
Muslim Participation in Contemporary Governance, Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Economic and Research Council (ESRC), 2009-2012, (PI - Therese O’Toole, University of Bristol)
ACCEPT: Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion: Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe, 2009-2012, (PI - Tariq Modood, University of Bristol)